the power of networking

The Power of Networking

Networking is an underutilized method for growth. This is especially true in the medical field, but even, generally speaking, the idea of networking is sometimes a forgotten tool. Everyone is guilty of this. When attempting a career change or looking for new career pathways, networking is always mentioned, yet it always seems to be one of the last methods used.

Why Networking Matters

Speaking from personal experience as a dual-degree MD/MBA holder, business school taught networking ad nauseam. Professors gave countless examples to the class about people getting jobs because a position was created for them…all because they networked and made connections.

Often, making a change, whether for a job or lifestyle changes, or even side hustle ideas, comes from inspiration we get from others. But you’ll never know what is possible or what others are doing if you don’t put yourself out there and talk.

The more you know, the better decision you can make. In the same way, the more people you know, the more opportunities will present themselves to you, and the better you’ll be able to decide which is best for you.

What Networking Requires

The whole idea here is to put yourself out of your comfort zone. Your friends, family, and colleagues can also be helpful and are a great starting point; however, if you want to branch out and explore opportunities, you need to meet new people.

Before you say, “aw man, I have to talk to strangers,” pause and consider it.

For introverts, start networking in small doses and listen to and follow your instincts. For example, if a get-together doesn’t seem like it would hold anything valuable for you, then don’t go. This way, you’ll save your energy for those times you really are interested.

In addition to pushing your boundaries, you will have to create a spiel for yourself. Everyone has a story to tell, including you. So, ask yourself these questions: 

  • What is it that you hope to accomplish by meeting people?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What do you have to offer? 
  • What differentiates you from others?

A small paragraph of information is what you need to have ready when you meet people. You want to put out there who you are, what you do, and maybe what you’re thinking about or interested in for the future.

Be prepared, as well, to ask people meaningful questions about what they do. The interaction isn’t just you being an interviewee; you are gathering information and, ultimately, having a conversation that hopefully leads you to some actionable items (e.g., names to contact or things to look up).

How to Share Your Story

Networking is like dating (unfortunately). It can be painful, but it can also be very insightful. Some people are better at it than others, but that’s ok. So long as you find your groove and figure out what works for you.

First, keep an open mind wherever you go. You never know who you’ll meet or when. So, for instance, when you do meet a new person, and they start asking questions about what you do, this is your opportunity to insert parts of your story. As an aside, you don’t want to sound like you’re advertising yourself. This is a conversation.

So while you’ve prepared a spiel, you don’t want to just spew it out all at once. Work your story into the conversation; ask questions in return. You should ask at least one question for every two pieces of information you answer about yourself. Like dating, remember? No one likes talking to someone that only talks about themselves the whole time.

Where to Begin

Networking seems straightforward, but building meaningful relationships, like all things, requires practice. The more you do it, the better you become. Yet, where do you start?

Friends & Family

Start with the people who know you best. Tell your inner circle what you’re thinking and where you want to go. See if they have any advice or anyone they know that you could talk to.

Work Colleagues

This is a bit tricky. If you’re interested in leaving your current job or making a career change, refrain from telling anyone at your current job, at least not in the beginning when you’re still figuring things out.

However, if you’re looking to move up in your current place or maybe make a parallel move, do take some time to talk to your superior and get a feel for what is possible and what you would need to do.

Alumni Events

If there’s a local alumni group from your alma mater, join it. Go to events and see what others from your school are doing. The nice thing about this is that you already have common ground with these folks.

Professional Associations

Whatever you do for work currently, I’m sure there’s an association for it. For instance, every medical specialty has an association. For anesthesia, it’s the American Society of Anesthesiologists. There are also associations/groups for each subspecialty and focus groups for those that want to create protocols.

The downside is that there’s usually a membership fee for these associations, so don’t join all of them. Just join the ones that pertain to your work and your interests. Go to meetings, attend the “networking events”, all of which provide complimentary wine and drinks, and start introducing yourself.

Read a personal story about how networking helped with a job: see that here.

Good Old Email

Sometimes, the best way to network is by email introduction. The chances of getting a response are lower (especially if you haven’t met the person and are randomly reaching out), but it still does happen. If walking up to a stranger is difficult for you, then this is a great way to practice putting your story out there.

The Benefits of Networking

In the beginning, your efforts may not produce the results you are looking for. However, keep going. Once you start, it becomes easier, and you get a feel for what to share about yourself and what questions to ask regarding what you’re looking for. The more people you meet, the higher the likelihood that doors will start opening for you.

Even if you don’t manage to land a new job or make the change you were hoping for, the effect of networking will still be a positive one. You’ll meet so many new people and get a better sense of what you truly want. You’ll be more likely to recognize your marketable job skills and better understand what’s possible!

Plus, you never know who YOU will influence. Sometimes the greatest benefits we get aren’t from what someone does for us, but from what we can do for others. That’s pretty powerful as well because one day, you may get a call from someone asking for help because you’ll be that person who knows someone who knows someone.

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